Saturday, November 08, 2008

smirks. oh how i love facebook stalking sometimes. a sin i indulge in once in awhile. hahaha.

hmms. i can smell it floating around. how interesting. sorry i'm a sucker for signs of fate kinda person. hahaha.

everyone's in the same situation. varied by countries, but similar to a large extent (the chant 'you may say to a large extent, you may say to a small extent, you may not say to a certain extent' keeps floating around in my head). the ever growing rip in the fabric. you pull, they pull. it will just keep tearing till one day either it simply splits into two pieces, or you just give up on pulling. and while it remains one piece, there's still that irreparable tear there. but there's a chance someone notices that tear, and everyday you just wait for that. praying it doesn't come too late. hah.

had a really good dinner + talk with shib today (: heart you dear! stockholm here we come!

aching it is. aching.

i wonder if its desperation or despair that's fuelling my actions sometime. shrugs. i don't really want to peer too deeply into it. lest i see something that disgusts me. haha.

damnit, i need to go buy it.


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